Re-animator was formed in 1987. It was a fantastic time for heavy metal – you had the likes of Accept, Judas Priest, Raven and Anvil. Mike Abel (Lead Guitar) had been in a few other bands in the East Yorkshire town of Hull, and was looking to start a new band which was more in the thrash metal style. Mike had known Kev Ingleson (Lead Guitar) though the pubs and clubs in Hull – Kev was into Iron Maiden, AC/DC and Black Sabbath, but also was discovering the new heavier bands such as Metallica, Anthrax and Slayer which led the direction to the style of guitar playing he wanted to take. Kev knew Mike from the local scene, which at that time was dominated with bands that cared more about hair spray than the music they played.
Re-animator signed a record contract for 3 albums. The record label asked the group if they had plenty of other songs, and the group stated “yes loads we are ready to go” – in fact it was quite the opposite, they had just a few other riffs kicking about. So in the car on the way home, they started writing the other tracks – that was to become the mini LP (Deny Reality) with Mark doing the drumming on the parcel shelf of the car. Incidentally, the car broke down three times on the way back.
Deny Reality (Mini LP) 1988
Condemned to Eternity 1989
Laughing 1990
That Was Then This Is Now 1992
Kev Ingleson 1988-92 (lead Vocals, Lead, Rhythm Guitar)
Mike Abel 1988-93 (Lead, Rhythm Guitar, Backing Vocals)
John Wilson 1988-93 (Bass, Backing Vocals)
Mark Dennis 1988-93 (Drums, Backing Vocals)
Lee Robinson 1992-1993 (Vocals)
Graham Dixon 1992- 1993 (Lead, Rhythm Guitar, Backing Vocals)
Adam Clark 1993 (Lead, Rhythm Guitar, Backing Vocals)
Tony Calvert 1988 (Vocals)
Here is top 10 riffs of Re-Animator