Doctor Who is British science-fantastic television show which is since 1963 broadcasted at BBC-with occasional breaks. It talks about adventures of mysterious alien better known as Doctor who was in his space ship and time machine, TARDIS investigating space and time, solving problems and encountering various monsters.
The show entered in Guinness book of records as the longest broadcasted science-fiction show in the world and at the same time presents one of more meaningful parts of today’s British culture. It is special by its imaginative stories, low budget special effects and use of electronic music. The show has a cult status in Great Britain, but also in the world. It was awarded the recognition from the public and critics, and in 2006 it won BAFTA (The British Academy of Film and Television Arts) the awars for best drama show in 2006.
10FACT No 10
Time Lords have two hearts, telepathic powers and the ability to regenerate when mortally wounded. However, a 1971 episode reveals that an aspirin could kill the Doctor.
09FACT No 9
In 2012 physicists demonstrated a real-life Sonic Screwdriver. Using ultrasound to lift and rotate objects, it could one day be used to manipulate human cells.
08FACT No 8
Doctor Who is the name of the show, not the character. Introducing himself only as “The Doctor”, his real name has yet to be revealed.
07FACT No 7
Torchwood is an anagram of Doctor Who and was a codename given to the show’s episodes to prevent piracy. A spin-off series was later named Torchwood.
06FACT No 6
A malfunction means the TARDIS is stuck in the form of a police call box. In fact a money-saving plot device, it was meant to change each episode to reflect different time periods.
05FACT No 5
Hugh Grant, Bill Nighy and Benedict Cumberbatch have all turned down the role. Tom Selleck, Laurence Fishburne and Johnny Depp were linked to playing a movie version.
04FACT No 4
He is an actual doctor, according to a 1967 episode. He studied medicine in Scotland in 1888 and was taught by Joseph Lister, the historical pioneer of antiseptics.
03FACT No 3
The Daleks were inspired by the Nazis and are obsessed with purity and extermination. They were originally meant to be designed by Ridley Scott, but he was unavailable.
02FACT No 2
There are 97missing episodes – the original tapes were destroyed. Copies of 9 episodes were found in 2013 at a Nigerian TV station, after being lost for almost 50 years.
01FACT No 1
The regeneration of the Doctor was modeled on a bad LSD trip. A GGC memo states “It is as if he has had the LSD drug and has the hell and dank horror which can be its effect”.