You must know at least one person that is left handed or you are. Left-handed people were always different from other people and not just because they write with their left hand. For left-handed people everything seems “up-side down”. If you didn’t know many famous world personalities were lefties, for example: Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Michelangelo, Mark Twain, Jimmy Hendrix, Alexander the Great, Gandhi, Mozart, Beethoven, Aristotle, Kafka, Hans Andersen…
These 10 percent of the population from most righties is different just by the fact that they mostly use their left hand. There are numerous facts that point to the fact that lefties live shorter than righties by in average 9 years. Apart from that, they are most shy from the righties, get drunk more easily, have a better chance to suffer from ALLERGIES and learn more easily to write with their right hand then right handed people with their left. As far as intellectual capabilities they are in the extreme end of the IQ ladder, in the very top or in the very bottom. Research has shown a high degree of left handedness among top notch athletes, especially in one-on-one sports such as tennis, boxing and fencing.
10FACT No 10
One in nine people in the world are left handed, whereas in “THE SIMPSONS” 1 IN 3 Springfieldians use their left – just like Matt Groening.
09FACT No 9
The word “left” has negative connotations. The Latin word “sinister” meant “left” or “evil”, while in Sanskrit “left” and “wicked” are the same word.
08FACT No 8
Differences in the lefty brain can contribute to psychotic disorders like schizophrenia. One study showed that 40 percent of sufferers were left handed.
07FACT No 7
Left handed politicians hold an advantage in TV debates. Left handed gestures appear right handed to viewers (on the screen) and appeal to the right handed majority.
06FACT No 6
It was long believed that lefties were more prone to alcoholism. A 2011 study disproved this but did show that left handers do drink more often.
05FACT No 5
Islamic law states that you are not allowed to touch your genitals with the right hand. As a result, after going to the toilet, Muslim wipe with their left.
04FACT No 4
Some species like the sulphur-crested cockatoo are entirely left-handed. Parrots also predominantly use their left claw.
03FACT No 3
Left handed knights had an advantage when invading medieval castles. Stairwells spiraled clockwise, so the swing of right handers would be restricted.
02FACT No 2
When using the left hand, one’s hearing is more sensitive to slow sounds. Thus you hear speech differently, depending on which hand you using at the time.
01FACT No 1
Napoleon (left handed) disliked marching on the left, which allowed soldiers to carry their weapon in their right hand. He made his armies and those of his defeated foes switch sides – leading to some countries driving on the right.