Albert Einstein: “I don’t know with what weapons will World War III be lead, but the fourth will be lead by stones and clubs”.
You come and you take away your enemy’s land; enemy comes and takes your land. This ancient Sumerian saying is carved in a clay plate made before some 5.500 years ago, maybe even older than that, and it can be some of oldest records by which the civilized man defined war. Even in antic times Greek philosophers claimed that war is natural state of spirit and a natural way of property procurement. Wars are mostly remembered by generals because they have the strength of character and charisma that separates them from average bullies. In the book called “Art of War” that was written two thousand years ago by mysterious Chinese warrior and philosopher Sun Cu, it says among other things, that the best generals spoil their enemy’s plans while they are still being conceived, medium generals prevent the enemy to form alliances, and worst generals attack enemy’s cities.
10SALADIN (1137 - 1193)
Saladin was a Muslim hero who brought the Near Fast under his control, ended the 88-year occupation of Jerusalem by the Franks.
09ERICH VON MANSTEIN (1887 - 1973)
He was general who devised the plan to invade France via the Ardennes in WWII. Von Manstein had success on the eastern Front and nearly lifted the siege of Stalingrad.
08TIMUR (1336 - 1405)
Timur conquered territories from Mongolia to the Mediterranean, destroy cities, massacred populations and built tower out of their skulls.
07GEORGE S. PATTON (1885 - 1945)
Patton was U.S. general who achieved rapid victories in Sicily and France during WWII. Crossed the Rhine in 1945 and captured 1.000 miles of territory in 10 days.
Caesar was Roman general and statesman who conquered Gaul. Used his success to defeat his political rivals and become Dictator of Rome.
05FREDERICK THE GREAT (1712 - 1786)
He managed to expand Prussian territory despite facing a coalition of enemies. Unified his realms and made Prussia the dominant military power in Europe.
04HANNIBAL (247BC – 182BC)
Hannibal was Carthaginian general who famously marched an army across Alps. Usually outnumbered, he won several remarkable victories against Rome.
03GENGISH KAN (1162 - 1227)
Gengish Kan massacre and pillage were used to destroy his enemies morale. He created the largest empire the world had yet seen.
02NAPOLEON BONAPARTE (1769 - 1821)
Napoleon won a string of stirring victories in Italy, Austria and even Egypt, expanded French influence from Spain to Sweden.
In 13 years as King of Macedon, he created a 2 million square mile empire. He was never defeated in battle.