Today practicing football gives you many privileges, money that clubs spend on football players paychecks is the biggest expense a football club has, and the behavior of footballers is getting worse while the value system is being twisted. This story is in fact even harder when you take into account the financial situation with the fans, whose support all this monetary circuit, and pay 50 pounds per game to watch overpaid footballers who worry more about their money than they do about club’s interests and the score
. Critics emphasize two important aspects when it comes to financial part of football. First, clubs in Premier league annually spend 1,1 billion pounds on pays for the players, and second-in average, one player in Premier League weekly earns around 21.000 pounds, as much as teachers and medical workers annually.
Economic rule is that the price of the goods if formed by the market each year, that is, supply and demand, and that also applies to the price of players. This means that there is demand, and there are people who can afford to pay this. So, economically speaking, there is no paradox, what remains it the moral aspect and the question-where is it that footballer lose themselves as athletes and become stars whose place football last?