Fame and making lots of money can change a person, and you wouldn’t believe what sort of unusual and unbelievable demands celebrities from the music world have. Pop stars that demand hundred boiled eggs in their wardrobe, singers that request that their rooms are completely white including the furniture, pets that fly business class-are just some of pretentious demands.
Even though she is not on the list, Madonna is by far the first on the number and type of unbelievable demands. She always draws attention at her concerts and press conferences. However, even when she is not performing on stage, she causes controversy. According to “Daily Mirror”, Madonna has unbelievable demands. Some of more extravagant demands include 20 international telephone lines and light rose roses whose stems are cut at precisely 15 centimeters. Among the 200 people in her escort there is a yoga instructor, private cooks, wardrobe cleaner, acupuncture master and 30 bodyguards. Madonna probably has the longest list of demands of all music stars in the world. It is expected that everything will be as she says. All the furniture from rooms in which she stays must be thrown out and replaced with furniture that she carries with her.