Xbox is a console for video games made by a company Microsoft. This console was created as a reaction of Microsoft to PlayStation 2 made by a company Sony and Nintendo. It is characterized by wide hardware and software support (for example, it is possible to plug in your console to its own hard drive, use a keyboard, mouse and similar), XBOX uses specially adapted Intel Celeron processor with the frequency of 733 MHz and graphic card GeForce made company named NVIDIA.
As a media reader it used DVD mechanics of various manufacturers. On the market there are several versions, and for these models you can buy special set that reproduces spatial sound in digital quality.
Xbox is the newest Microsoft console, stronger then the previous version almost 10 fold. X360 stated to sell in SAD in 2005, and soon after that it came to Europe. In total there is around 20 billion copies sold all over the world since it came out in 2005.
10FACT No 10
The U.S. Army has an Autonomous Rotorcraft Sniper System – a robot helicopter. It can fire 10 sniper rounds a second and is controlled via Xbox 360 pad.
09FACT No 9
When the original Xbox was released in 2001, Microsoft lost 125 dollar for each console sold. In four years it lost Microsoft 4 billion dollar.
08FACT No 8
Xbox One controllers have cost over 100 million dollars to develop and should last 10 years. Each button should be able to withstand three million presses.
07FACT No 7
A gamer was suspended because his profile stated he was from Fort Gay. Xbox staff didn’t believe the U.S. town was real and flagged him for the word “gay”.
06FACT No 6
The NASA space shuttle has a flight computer less powerful than the Xbox 360. The 30-year-old computer has less 1% of the power of the console.
05FACT No 5
The Israeli military created the technology used in the Kinect. It was nearly sold to APPLE but, they were described as a “pain in the ass” during negotiations.
04FACT No 4
The Red Ring of Death plagued early 360 consoles, with reported failure rates up to 54%. In comparison, the Sony PS3 had just a 10% failure rate.
03FACT No 3
A group of gamers prevented the closure of Halo 2 servers by refusing to log out. They played constantly and kept the multiplayer alive for an extra month.
02FACT No 2
Microsoft used kid Mike Rowe because of the domain They offered him an Xbox with games as part of a settlement and now own the domain.
01FACT No 1
The Xbox wasn’t Microsoft’s first foray into consoles. They collaborated with SEGA on the Dreamcast, which ran a version of Windows CE and used DirectX.