You won’t believe what some of these people do for a living. Check out these most weirdest jobs and tell us if you could handle doing any of them.
Think your job is bad nad boring? Well spare a thought for the people who eat dog food for a living? Or the men and women who have made arousing pandas a career. Discover more about the strangest jobs on the planet. We’ve rounded up some of the strangest and wackiest jobs on Earth.
Some are awesome, some are dangerous and some are just disgusting.
10Dog Food Tester
Testers eat dog food including bones, liver mixtures and biscuits. Checking flavor and texture, they compare it to human and rival dog foods.
09Scuba Diving Pizza Delivery Man
A Florida underwater hotel gets its pizza from a scuba pizza guy. Using a watertight case he swims to an airlock 21 feet under water.
08Drying Paint Watcher
A UK man spends his life timing how long new paint mixes take of dry. Painting pieces of cardboard, he periodically touches the paint to test the texture.
07Professional Sleeper
A Finnish hotel hired a professional sleeper to test the comfort of their beds. The employee sleeps in a different room each night, blogging about each one.
06Iceberg Mover
The International Ice Patrol pulls icebergs that are potential threats to safer positions. If icebergs flip during towing, they can slice through boats.
05Odor Judge
Judges smell breath, feet and armpits to check the effectiveness of new products. Their sense of smell is tested monthly to ensure accuracy.
04Panda Arouser
Panda handlers are employed to encourage pandas to have sex. They feed them Viagra and show them “panda porn” to help get them in the mood.
03Train Pusher
Japanese “Oshiyas” are hired to push people onto crammed trains. Ensuring as many people get on as possible, they monitor train doors from stuck objects. ¨
02Professional Mourner
People are hired to cry and weep loudly at funerals across South East Asia. Tradition states that a loud funeral assist travel to the afterlife.
01Fart Smeller
Smellers sniff farts to determine the cause of the health problems. Paid 50.000 dollars a year, they detect tumors, infections and inflammations.