Animal defense mechanisms are acquired and unconscious ways of reacting to various attacks. It is clear that we are talking about a very complex phenomenon and there are difficulties in precise defining of those criteria that mobilize the entre organism.
Even though these mechanisms are different from animal to animal, they have in common that, in this way they are trying to survive and to protect themselves from predators.
Animal that was able to develop a better defense mechanism and a more adequate selection of behavior, managed to get an evolution advantage compared to other member of its species. For example, if you are being that lives in the water and if you are only slightly better at distinguishing darker water from lighter one (which is warmer and has more food) you will probably increase your odds for surviving and breeding.
All organisms are a potential source of food for other organisms. During evolution, animals developed different mechanisms… With predators they are supposed to make hunting easier, while with victims they provided surviving.
Why does a victim defend itself? First, it’s guarding its life. If it remains alive it can have more ofsprings. That is why animals devised different forms of defense. It minimizes the possibility of encountering a predator and increases the chance for survival. Defense is used on a level of entire population or on a level of a individual.
- Mechanical- teeth, claws, sting, body inflation
- Chemical-poison, smell
- Mimicry- the animal can be less attacked if it fits in its environment
- Behavior – the victim behaves aggressively in order to scare off the predator
Scientists recently recorded a never-before seen defense mechanism of one species of squids that live in sea depths: When they are threatened by danger, the squid brakes off on its own its tip of the tentacle and leaves behind while it escapes. Tentacle continues to shine and move, creating an illusion that enables the squid to escape.
But this squid is not the only creature with bizarre way of defense. Look at 10 strangest defenses mechanisms, those were developed in the course of evolution with animals.