Nothing, it seems to as wrong as the belief that the human is the only reasonable creature on this planet, thanks exclusively to their speech capabilities and creativity in regards to psycho-physical capabilities to influence, positively and negatively, on nature.
If look at animals as unreasonable creatures, on a lower evolutionary ladder, incapable for any type of thinking and feeling, such attitude should be forgotten, or at least corrected. Man, as a species, finally has to admit to himself that he is not a master of nature, but its composite part. And most important, he must realize how little he actually knows about the world which surrounds him.
DINOSAURS, GIANT INSECTS AND STRANGEST ANIMALS walk on our planet, about which until recently we had no clue. How much we know about them and what kind of CAPABILITIES DO THESE ANIMALS own? The answer to this question you will find in the following attachment about 10 strange facts about animal world.
Blue Whales are the largest animals ever known to have lived – bigger than any dinosaur. Their tongues weigh the same as an elephant.
Animals like frogs and snakes, may sense chemical changes in groundwater that occur before an earthquake. They could be used to forecast future earthquakes.
There are around 4500 different species of mammal on Earth – 22 percent of them are types of bat.
Cows almost always face north to south while eating. One possible reason for this behavior could be the influence of magnetic fields.
Cuttlefish change color to mimic the seafloor where they hide despite being completely colorblind.
The Northern Leopard frog uses its eyes to swallow. Muscle retractions that withdraw the eye into the body help force food down the throat.
Mabra elephantophila moths feed on elephant tears. The tears contain salt, water and trace levels of protein.
Wood frog can survive to 65 percent of the water in their bodies being frozen. They can freeze in winter and thaw out in spring perfectly healthy.
Wandering Albatrosses can navigate to remote islands thousands of miles away. How they do it remains unknown, but they don’t use earth´s magnetic field.
Cats have a righting reflex and non-fatal terminal velocity of 60mph, allowing them to survive huge falls. A study of 132 cats falling between 2 and 32 floors found that 90 percent survived.