Central America is the most unsafe country on the planet, and by number of crimes and their popularity is long surpassed Africa. Mexico and Brazil are states with highest number of murders in the world, and Central America is officially the most dangerous place to live, especially in large cities, according to annual report of United Nations. In the world in 2012 468.000 people was murdered-36 percent in Africa, 31 in America and 27 percent in Asia, while in Europe and Oceania combined less than six percent people were killed.
DRUG BOSSES wars from Mexico and Columbia are slowly moving to smaller states of Central America, although a walk in Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, Bogota or other major cities of American continent is far from pleasant, according to United Nations. Now, however, in these cities hotels are empty, and no one dares to travel there. The violence is not only connected to cartels but innocent bystanders and especially tourists that are the main target of criminal groups. Office of UN for drugs and criminal, that made the report, announced that organized crime is the most responsible for sudden growth of violence in that region, with which not even African countries can compete, where live traditionally- is not worth a lot. In solving these problems not even strict measures of police helped, strict legislation, even DEATH PENALITES, given for large number of criminal acts. In last 15 years the murder rate decreased in Asia, Europe and North America, and grew in Central America, and Caribbean, where bloodshed lead to general crisis. Globally, around 80 percent of victims, but also murderers were men-according to that report. While men mostly get killed in public places, women get killed in houses.