The word suicide comes from a Latin word: sui-self, occidere-kill. One of commonly accepted definitions of suicide tells that it is a self-destructive act with the goal to take away your own life. Self-destructive behavior, beside suicides, also includes the attempt of suicide, planning or just thinking about it and all types of self-injuring.
Suicide is one of rare phenomenon that is completely free from cultural values, time and age limits.
In ancient times suicide was the way to help the group to survive, that is, to preserve food. In ancient times, Plato condemned suicide and called it a shameful act, thinking that the actors have to be buried in unmarked graves. In Great Britain the act of suicide since 1961 is considered an act of crime.
In support of pandemic size of the problem of suicides goes the data from World health organization that million people in a year take their lives which mean, that every 40 seconds a person commits suicide, and it is estimated that the attempts of suicides are 20 times greater.
Today in all societies, suicide rates (number of suicides on 100.000 residents), show certain stability every year and shows a trend of slow linear growth.
Very low suicide rate is present in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Greece, Malta, while the group with high suicide rate includes Ukraine, Slovenia, Finland, Denmark, Croatia, Hungary and Russia.
As far as the cause of suicides, there are large numbers of causes still suicidal cause is greater where there are:
- Mental disability, especially depression, schizophrenia, personality disorder or anxiety disorder;
- Alcoholism and other addictions on psychoactive substances;
- Chronicle or terminal body disease, especially if it accompanied by unbearable pain and suffering;
- Psychologicalcrisis;
- Suffered trauma or abuse;
- Early attempt of suicide;
- Suicide of a member of a family or a friend.
Why are citizens of some states more prone to suicides and some are not? Experts, as a main reason for suicides, see in geographical and climate conditions, namely, residents of those countries with cooler and unstable climate, and with smaller number of sunny and greater number of windy days resort more to suicides. Which 10 countries are included in this category, you can find out here.