Can you recognize when you interlocutor is lying to you? This skill is the desire of many of us, and it would benefit many in relation to other people. Communication represents one of important man’s functions. It is a reflection of human evolution, but at the same time it a way of its adjustment to the environment and other people.
Of two basic forms of communication, verbal and non-verbal, larger portion is of the non-verbal type, a “body language” often reveals much more than words do. Having this in mind it can be assumed that the liar can be discovered easier based on the unconscious non-verbal messages he sends, then through verbalization. There are numerous signs that point to whether your interlocutor is not telling the truth, and if you carefully watch even the most skilled liar will let some of these signs slip.
An extra emphasis in the denial, using formal language. Bill Clinton is the classic example, saying “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”.
Signs of anxiety turned into unconscious signals, such as brushing hair or adjusting a tie. Sweating is also a tell however the person may just be nervous.
Liars often repeat the whole question back at the start of their answer. This is buy time to think of a response.
A liar will reveal their true emotions in the form of unconscious body signals. “Duping Delight” is a smile from the liar when they think they´ve successfully deceived.
A person speaking honestly will maintain eye contact for around 60 percent of a conversation. A liar will often engage in more eye contact than this.
Leaked expressions occur when true emotions “leak” through. Apparent when someone nods their head while denying or shakes it while agreeing.
While speaking, a liar will often alter their vocal tone. Their tone has a higher or lower pitch than usual and they have more hesitation in their speech.
A liar will subconsciously point their feet towards the exit. They will also create physical barriers for interviewers such as placing a water bottle on the desk between them.
A liar will often give a little too much information. They´ll struggle to repeat their original performance if recounting events in the opposite order.
Unlike a liar, an honest person – when falsely incriminated – will be furious. However, they will still be co-operative and helpful while interviewed.