We all like to make jokes at someone else’s expense and at our own. However, as in all, in joke you should have limit. People sometimes know to make bad jokes with friends, sometimes due to desire to make their friends laugh, and often happens that someone gets hurt and the whole thing gets turned into a unpleasant situation.
Sometimes it happens that people not knowing that it is a joke, take it seriously, and it creates problems. Jokes that we present to you today are very dangerous, so do not try them on your friends.
A man pretended to hang himself scaring his wife who immediately dialed 911. After the emergency services arrived the man was fined 1000 dollar and sent to prison for a year.
18-YEAR-OLD Tyell Morton climbed into a school toilet to put a sex doll there. Spotted by the janitor, he was arrested on suspicion of planting a bomb.
A 13-year-old driving with her father held up a sign saying she was being kidnapped. Police pulled the car over and pointed a gun at her father’s before the prank was uncovered.
Three men pretended to rob a friend’s store with toy guns in Israel, returning later with the money. When revealed the police still charged them with armed robbery.
A man tied a dead Chihuahua to his friend’s pickup. His friend drove for miles before he noticed. The prankster was charged with unlawful disposal of a dead animal.
Two masked gunmen rushed a victim into a car before driving off. The police were called before it was discovered that they were kidnapping him for his own stag party.
While doing dental work on an employee a dentist installed boar tusks took a photo and then replaced them with normal caps. The patient sued him for 250.000 dollar.
Two 18-year-olds gave a box of brownies to their – teachers – spiked with marijuana. Nineteen members of staff were taken ill and rushed to the emergency room.
A man decided to test the response time of local police. He dressed his nephew in “Arab grab”, with a fake missile launcher, and waited. The man is facing criminal charges.
A man wrote a note on his co-worker’s luggage: “hijack plane” and “kill Obama”. The security officials, FBI and secret service became involved and the prankster was arrested.