TOP 10…Let´s start counting down.

10 of the Largest Objects in the Known Universe

Colliding galaxies, giant stars, and puffy planets are all floating around the universe. Discover the ten biggest things out there.

Our Universe is a sphere 96 billion light-years across, and the entire Universe might be infinite in size. Which is a hoarders dream walk-in closet space stuffed full of “things”. It’s loaded down with so much stuff, we’ve even given up naming things individually and now just spew out a list of letters and numbers to try and keep track of it all.

10Biggest asteroid in the solar system

The biggest asteroid ever discovered is Ceres, which measures 600 miles or 965 kilometers in diameter. It was actually the first asteroid to be discovered back in 1801 and some argue it´s big enough to be a dwarf planet. It contains a third of the entire asteroid belt´s mass and it´s a diameter is about the same size as California´s length.

09Biggest Moon in the Solar system

The biggest Moon is Ganymede at 3.273 miles or 5.267 kilometers in diameter. Discovered in 1610 by Galileo, Ganymede is one of Jupiter´s 63 moons and is largest than either Mercury or Pluto. It´s covered in a thin layer of ice and may have layers of interior oceans. It is considered a possible home to alien life.

08Biggest planet

WASP-17b holds the record for biggest planet thanks to it´s huge diameter of 173.762 miles or 279.642 kilometers. The exoplanet is 1.000 light years away from Earth and became the first known planet to have a retrograde orbit meaning it orbits its star in the opposite direction to the star´s rotation. Twice the radius of Jupiter but with half the mass, it´s considered a puffy planet and has density of a polystyrene cup.

07Biggest star

The biggest star, NML Cygni, measures 1.4 billion miles or 2.3 billion kilometers across to put that in perspective, it´s 1.650 times our Sun´s size. If this red hyper giant were put at the center of our Solar system it would consume Mercury, Venus, earth, Mars and Jupiter.

06Biggest Black hole

The biggest Black hole, snappily named S5 0014+813, which is about 147 billion miles or 236 billion kilometers across, with a mass 40 billion times that of our the Sun. Thankfully this ultra black hole is 12 billion light years away as every year it consumes a mass that equates to 4.000 of our Suns.

05Biggest primordial cloud of hydrogen (huge concentration of gas)

Lyman-alpha blob 1, holds the record for the biggest primordial cloud of hydrogen. The huge concentration of gas is 300.000 light years across, or triple the size of the entire Milky Way. Possibly involved in the formation of new galaxies, astronomers think the blob´s glow comes from existing galaxies embedded in its center, scattering light.

04Biggest galaxy

Biggest galaxy is known as the IC1101 super galaxy, it´s a massive 6 million light years across. Formed by the collision of other galaxies, it is 50 times larger than the Milky Way and 2000 times massive. Located a billion light years away, it´s thought to consist of over a hundred trillion stars as well as dark matter.

03Biggest void

The biggest void in the universe is the Canes Venatici Supervoid, at 1.3 billion light years in diameter. Essentially, a huge hold in the universe, it contains only 17 galaxy clusters that don´t interact with each other. It existence contradicts Einstein´s principle that the universe, at a large scale, should look the same wherever you are.

02Biggest Quaser group

The biggest quaser group is Huge-LQG. Huge-LQG incredibly measuring 4 billion light years, at it´s widest point. This grouping of 73 quasars is a size previously thought to be theoretically impossible. Even at the speed of light it would take 4 billion years to cross it the time it took for the formation of the Earth and human life to begin.

01Biggest structure

The biggest thing in the entire universe is the Heracules-Corona Borealis Great Wall, which is 10 billion light years in diameter. The universe´s largest structure is a group of galaxies held together by gravity. It´s size and age are so big that scientists are reassessing how quickly the universe expanded after the Big Bang.
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