In the morning people only remember ten percent of what they dreamt, but that small percentage is more than confusing. All people dream and dreams are a mysterious and inspiring part of our lives. Dream of Egypt pharaohs that were considered as children of god Ra, were considered as divine. Romans analyzed their dreams in Senate because they were considered divine messages.
Research shows that even animals dream. People dream from the beginning of life, and scientist claim that fetus dreams contain sounds and touch. Due to hormone changes, pregnant women remember their dreams more than before.
Most people until they die spend a quarter of time sleeping, of which 6 years dreaming. Many claim that when a person snores, it cannot dream, but that is not scientifically confirmed. We often think about the meaning of our dreams, and look for reasons why we dream certain dreams.
We all dream, even though we cannot always remember our dreams. Scientists discovered that most of us have very similar dreams. 85 percent of men dream about sex, while 83 percent of women dream of being chased. Beside women often dream about insects, death and failing an exam, while men dream vivid themes like murders and alien attacks. According to these testing the most negative dream most of the questioned had during twenties and thirties years of their life, and according to data girls dream more than boys.
For years people are trying to discover the meaning of dreams, and provide various interpretations, from very bizarre to completely logical ones. American Society for studying dreams tested which dreams are most frequent. We offer you a list of 10 most common dreams, and it is up to you to think about it and check does those matches your experience.