In recent years video games are becoming more popular, especially among younger population. If a child is begin for it that is not the reason to allow it to play games. Experts say that playing video games is much more than fun but that attention should be paid which games should a child play.
Children every day spend more time in front of a computer, and games are becoming more violent which causes the children to think and act aggressively, so that the concern of the parent is justified. On the market we have a large number of games ranging from the best to the WORST VIDEO GAMES. But not all video games are harmful. Even though time that a child spends in front of a computer should be limited and mixed with other activities, many positive things are happening when a child play quality video games.
Violent video games are harmless for most children, but are harmful for some that have a personality problem or mental health problem. For that reason many countries prohibit certain video games to preventively influence certain cases. These actions are not conducted only regarding video games. Cases are known where BOOK FOR CHILDREN WERE PROHIBITED which in their content would not be appropriate for children of that age.
POKEMON was banned in Saudi Arabia in 2001 by religious leaders. The game was said to contain Masonic symbols, promote Zionism and encourage children to gamble.
Racing game where the aim is to kill pedestrians. The game was banded in Brazil and Germany, it only got a UK release after the pedestrians were replaced by ZOMBIES.
This game was banned in China due to its depiction of Tibet as a separate country of China. It found selling the game, shops are fined and the games confiscated.
This game was released in 2005 about a coup in North Korea, banned in South Korea due to risk of escalating tension between North and South Korea.
This game is sequel to the iconic Wolfenstein 3D features Nazi super weapons and monsters. Like the original, it was banned in Germany for its Nazi references.
Manhunt 2 is known for its “gross, unrelenting, and gratuitous violence”. Banned in New Zealand, Ireland and elsewhere it was toned down to secure U.S. and UK releases.
Postal 2 is a controversial game containing urination, racial stereotyping and homophobia. Owning or distributing it in New Zeeland is punishable by imprisonment.
Despite never being officially on sale in Iran, it was banned there. It featured in U.S. military raid on a fictitious terrorist group in Teheran.
This game banned in Singapore for a time because a lesbian relationship could be explored with a blue-skinned Asari alien. Mass Effect 2 is banned in the UAE for the same reason.
For a short period in 2002 all video games were banned in public places in Greece. Playing a Gameboy on the bus could result in a 12 month jail sentence.