Today we live in a world of globalization where people are more connected and differences between different cultures are lost. Therefore it is strange that there are people that live in complete isolation from the rest of the world. Those are mostly tribes that live in a “hunting-collecting societies”, unaltered for thousands of years, and are completely isolated for history and the rest of the world.
That what is characteristic for these wild tribes, apart from living in isolated areas is that they are living in areas where they do not have any bigger problems with food and living, because everything is at their grasp. However, their way of life is today threatened by modern people that cut the forest and compromise their inhabitant. Although it is recommended, that these people are left alone, not only because it is their choice, and for moral reasons, but because they are not immune to diseases for which we already developed an immunity. From that illness in previous centuries, many communities of Indians from South and North America were practically extinct.
Tribes that live isolated are located on three different geographical areas: in South America where they are the most of them but there they are most threatened, in India and Papua-New Guinea.
In South America there is assumed to be a lot of tribes that live in isolation. Most of them are located in Brazil where it presumed that there are about 60 of them, although this number is not reliable because for some tribes it is only assumed that they exist, considering that we are talking about group of several dozens of people, it is very probable that they don’t exist. They way of life getting more and more threatened by modern corporation that are searching for natural resources that endanger their habitats.
In India there is a South Sentinel island where a group of natives live that refuse any contact with modern world. A couple of time they attacked any one that tried to get close. Indian government under whose jurisdiction the island is located, have decided, to at least for now, leave them alone and therefore they live completely isolated. It is estimated that there are around 40-400 of them and that they survive by fishing and collecting fruit.
Find out which 10 tribes until today live isolated from the rest of the world