Motives that often instigate large minds to create in their own will new languages can be different: apart from means of universal communications, the goal can be experimenting, researching, seeking new linguistic solutions, forming secret language of certain group, fulfilling fictional screenplay (for example, in a movie), creating work of art or for personal intellectual and esthetic satisfaction.
To facilitate universal communications among speakers of different languages with the help of one artificial language, structurally perfect, is one of the most utopias of previous generations. All those fictive languages are created with a lot enthusiasm, quickly became popular, and even quicker became unpopular. Regardless of it, most of them will remain remembered by movies in which they were used.
Klingon invented by Marc Okrand for the alien warrior race in Star Trek. Many works, including Hamlet, have been translated into Klingon.
The language of the Hutts made famous by Jabba in Return of the Jedi. It has since evolved due to Star wars novels and games.
Nadsat is the language from the controversial book “A Clockwork Orange” by Anthony Burgess. Nadsat is a strange Russian derived, cockney slang spoken by Alex and his friends.
Newspeak is the official language of Oceania, from 1984by George Orwell. It eliminates undesirable words – making it impossible for thoughts to diverge from government ideology.
From The Elder Scrolls game series and technically an alphabet. The Daedra are immortal supernatural beings whose runes litter the world of Nirn.
Alphabet used to create in-jokes within the Futurama universe. Fans deciphered it within 30 minutes of the show´s premiere and a 2nd alphabet was created.
This language was created by Mila Jovovich and Luc Besson for “The Fifth Element”. Reportedly Besson and Jovovich were able to hold entire conversations in it during filming.
This hieroglyphic lettering system is created by horror written H.P. Lovecraft. It is spoken by the god Cthulku and is designed to drive mortals insane.
This language is spoken by the Na´vi people in James Cameron´s Avatar. The language was created by a Clinical Management Communications Professor for the film.
There are several Elvish languages created by Tolkien, the best known being Quenya and Sindarin, the most complete of the languages. They have roots in Finnish and Welsh.