Forget Mario, Pac Man and Sonic – they might be classics but they didn’t cost hundreds of millions to design. What out which games were the mostly costly ever made.
The gaming industry is perhaps the only place where you will find innovative artists whose creative skills are combined with a calculated business sense. Let’s take a look at some of the most expensive video games in terms of their developing and marketing costs.
10Deadpool – 2013: 102 million dollar
The game sees Marvel´s dead-pool kidnap game designers and force them to make a video game about himself. Dead-pool received mixed reviews – it contains lots of fart jokes.
09Halo MMO – 2007: 103 million dollar
Codenamed “Project Titan”, the game didn´t even make it to the shelves and was scrapped after 3 years. It was Microsoft´s expensive attempt to compete with World of Warcraft.
08Max Payne 3 – 2012: 108 million dollar
The 19th best-selling game of 2012 sold 3.61 million copies worldwide. Rock-star held a twitter casting call to feature gamers as playable characters in the multiplayer version.
07Red redemption – 2010: 109 million dollar
12.13 million copies have been bought worldwide, outselling Tomb Raider. One achievement can only be unlocked by throwing a girl onto railroad tracks towards an oncoming train.
06Too Human – 2008: 110 million dollar
Despite taking 10 years to develop, it only sold a meagre 760.000 copies. “Too Human” was originally planned for release on PS1 in 1999 but moved to game-cube and then finally X-box in 2005.
05Star Wars: The old Republic – 2011: 211million dollar
Set over 3.000 years before the films, it´s about a war between the Empire and Galactic Republic. The game´s script is huge, with 2.5 million words of dialogue recorded.
04Final Fantasy VII – 1997: 214 million dollar
The second-best selling PS game of all time sold 9.8 million copies. “Final Fantasy” is so named because the first game should have been the last game made by developers Square Enix.
03Grand Theft Auto V – 2013: 275 million dollar
Grand Theft Auto V broke six new world records, including quickest entertainment property to reach 1 billion dollar in sales. The game is banned in Thailand after an 18-year-old killed a taxi driver “GTA-style” back in 2008.
02Call of Duty: Modern warfare 2 – 2009: 277 million dollar
Production for the actual game cost just 50 million dollar, but 200 million dollar was spent on marketing and distribution. Fortunately in the first days of its release, it made over 500 million dollar.
01Destiny – 2012: 500 million dollar
It cost 200 million dollar more than the most expensive movie production, “Pirates of the Caribbean”. Five years before release, developers bungle slipped a “Destiny awaits” Ester egg into “Halo 3”.