Staying in space is not at all a natural state for a human. Before staying is space you need to undergo an intensive training, in order to prepare HUMAN BODY for this extraordinary strain. These preparations last several years, and only those that are physically fittest and endurable are sent in space-crafts.
However, even after that, astronauts are faced with various challenges and consequences of staying in space. They are affected by many of the known and unknown OCCURENCES IN SPACE, which primarily manifest on the astronauts health. As a consequence of such exposure, various problems with blood pressure, heart, drop of immunity occur, and crew is constantly exposed to high radiation. Studying them is important for humanity that is why the interest for staying in space grows every year.
In zero gravity, muscle atrophy. A 30-year-old muscles man, degrade to that of an 80-year-old´s, increasing risk of tendonitis and causing fat accumulation.
The cardiovascular system doesn’t work properly in space. Astronauts can get headaches, nasal congestion and “skinny legs” as the heart rate increase.
The immune system is weakened due to sleep deprivation and isolation. Infection becomes more likely and allergic reactions become more common.
Conservation of water makes cleaning difficult. The breeding ground this creates for bacteria, coupled with a reduced immunity system, can lead to illnesses.
Being crowded in a tiny space with other astronauts, in isolation from the world, is a serious threat. Stress, depression, insomnia and psychosis are all known effects.
40 percent of astronauts experience motion sickness in space. Nausea and vomiting are common, but after a few days the body adapts to its new environment.
Weightlessness causes excretion of calcium and phosphorous, vastly accelerating the loss of bone density, causes weaknesses in the neck, spine and pelvis.
Disrupted sleep cycles, constant noise and light can lead to fatigue. Causes stress, a lack of energy and mental deterioration – all highly dangerous while in space.
The microgravity causes vertebrae in the spine to separate slightly. While the astronauts gain around two inches in space, it creates severe back pain.
Cosmic rays pass through the brains of astronauts, causing them to see flashes of light behind their eyelids. Exposure to this radiation damages cells and increase the risk of cancer, heart disease and brain damage.