Antic Rome was a civilization which in a brief time from a town-state, founded on Apennine peninsula, developed into a vast empire that was surrounded by Mediterranean Sea. During its existence, Roman civilization traveled from monarchy, republic with combination of oligarchy and democracy, to autocratic empire. Roman civilization dominated Western Europe and areas around Mediterranean Sea by conquering and assimilation.
Western part of the empire, including Hispania, Gallia and Italy, fell apart in 5th century after the migration of people into independent kingdoms. Eastern Roman empire, whose center was Constantinople, is usually called Byzantine Empire after 476, traditional date of fall of Rome and early start of middle century, also known as dark ages.
Roman civilization is often included in “classical antics”, with antic Greece, civilization which inspired a large part of culture of antic Rome. Antic Rome considerably contributed to the development of law, war skill, art, literature, architecture, technology and language in the western world, and its history still influences today’s world. About the development of antic Rome there are a lot of information but also 10 facts that you surely did not know.
10FACT No 10
Husbands would kiss their wives on the mouth at the end of each day. This was to detect anz wine and see if she had been partying.
09FACT No 9
In 100 ad slaves made up to 40% of Rome’s population. Rich men would have around 50,an Emperor closer to 20.000.
08FACT No 8
Togas were not worn at all time, they were more like a business suit. Only the Emperor, or triumphant generals, could wear all purple. Anybody else doing so would be killed.
07FACT No 7
The word sinister means unlucky or evil however, it first meant “left”, causing left handed people to be considered unfortunate.
06FACT No 6
When the Romans needed a lighthouse on the river Tiber, they had no solid foundations. Filling a ship with lentils, they sank it and built on top of it.
05FACT No 5
When “Hadrian’s wall” was built, a moat was constructed on this inside. A year later, all 84 miles of it were filled in with soil, wasting millions of hours of labor.
04FACT No 4
They built 54.000 miles of roads around the Mediterranean basin. To put this into context, the U.S. highways are 47.000 miles long.
03FACT No 3
Romans had excellent medicine, inventing the Cesarean and using painkillers and sanitation. However, they did drink gladiator blood to cure epilepsy and infertility.
02FACT No 2
At places where three roads met, bulletins with information, notices and signs were put up. The Latin for three roads is “TRIVIA”, explaining its modern definition.
01FACT No 1
In legend Rome was founded by twins Romulus and Remus, sons of Mars, raised by a wolf. Remus was killed by his brother for mocking a wall he had built.