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Black hole is a celestial body whose other cosmic speed is greater than the speed of light so that not even the light can run from it. Space in which large mass is compacted in small space, due to which after it crosses black hole boundary (so called, event horizon), nothing, not even light can escape the gravitational force of that mass. Laws of physics tell us that the more mass a body has, its gravitation is greater.

Black holes are considered the densest and with it most massed objects in space, so, their gravity is greatest. One of fascinating theories tells us that in the future we will travel through time via black holes. It is theoretically possible but the problem is that we cannot control holes so we don’t know where it will throw us. Theory that would enable us to do that tells us that each black hole ends with a, so called, white hole that expels everything that enters the black hole. Second problem is that there is no transportation vehicle that could withstand the pressure of the hole and we would most likely burn up within black holes.

10FACT No 10

Black hole can spin. ‘GRS 1915+105’ spin over 950 times a second. Object in its event horizon travel at approximately half the speed of light.

09FACT No 9

Black holes are incredibly dense: one with the mass of the Earth would only be 9mm across. That’s half the size of a penny.

08FACT No 8

To escape the pull of their gravity you must travel faster than the speed of light.

07FACT No 7

Their gravity is so intense that it can slow down time. This is called gravitational time dilation

06FACT No 6

They break down mass into energy 50x more efficiently than nuclear fusion. Some pull matter from stars and eject it as giant bullets of plasma moving at ¼ the speed of light.

05FACT No 5

A black hole 30 million times the mass of the Sun has been found. It swallowed another black hole, one million times the Suns mass, that drifted close by.

04FACT No 4

Material caught in a spin around black holes is superheated by millions of degrees. Magnetism forces this material into beams of energy, visible from millions of light years away. These “active” black holes are brighter than stars.

03FACT No 3

A black holes core continues to collapse, reaching “Planck Length”. This is the smallest measurable unit in the universe.

02FACT No 2

The oldest known black hole was born around 770 million years ago after the Big Bang. Scientists cannot understand how it became so massive so “soon” after the Big Bang.

01FACT No 1

Gravitational waves from merging black holes can cause wandering “rogue” black holes. One about 600 million times the Suns mass iz moving through space at 5.9 million mph, others like it are invisible to us.
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