About 3/4 of your average turd is made of water. Of course, this value is highly variable – the water content of diarrhea is much higher, and the amount of water in poop that has been retained (voluntarily or otherwise) is lower. Water is absorbed out of fecal material as it passes through the intestine, so the longer a turd resides inside before emerging, the drier it will be.
Of the remaining portion of the turd, about 1/3 is composed of dead bacteria. These microcorpses come from the intestinal garden of microorganisms that assist us in the digestion of our food. Another 1/3 of the turd mass is made of stuff that we find indigestible, like cellulose, for instance. This indigestible material is called “fiber,” and is useful in getting the turd to move along through the intestine, perhaps because it provides traction. The remaining portion of the turd is a mixture of fats such as cholesterol, inorganic salts like phosphates, live bacteria, dead cells and mucus from the lining of the intestine, and protein.
(SOURCE: http://www.smellypoop.com/facts_about_poop.php)
10FACT No 10
There are bags of poop on the MOON, left behind by astronauts. Astrobiologists speculate that the bacteria in the feces may have undergone gene mutation.
09FACT No 9
“Artist’s Sh*t” is a work of art by Piero Manzoni and consists of 90 tin cans with his faces. They are now worth 150.000 dollar each.
08FACT No 8
Poop should normally sink. A floater is normally down to poor absorption of nutrients or excess gas in the feces.
07FACT No 7
According to research by the University of Bristol there are seven types of poop. Separate hard lumps, lumpy sausage, cracked sausage, smooth sausage, soft blobs, mushy and watery.
06FACT No 6
Wombat poop is cube shaped and its smell is used to mark out territory. The cube shaped feces is less likely to fall off rocks or logs.
05FACT No 5
Straining to poop is responsible for 3.6% of burst blood vessels in the brain. This can causes brain damage or even death.
04FACT No 4
Adelie penguins poop with four times the power of humans and launch their feces 40 cm. The poop from Emperor penguin colonies can be seen from space.
03FACT No 3
Fecal transplants can be used to cure intestinal infection. It involves taking poop from a healthy person and transplanting it into the patient’s gut.
02FACT No 2
Poop can be red, green, blue or even purple. Unusual colors could stem from food coloring or be signs of illness - purple poop is caused by porphyria, an enzyme disorder.
01FACT No 1
Mozart enjoyed writing letters and compositions about poop – one song is called “Lick me in the ass”. He wrote letters to his mom about smelling farts.