In 1513, Spanish conquistador Juan Ponce de Leon headed towards Caribbean in search for a mythological land Bimini which contains the source that returns youth to anyone who drink from it. After detailed search of entire Caribbean, de Leon returned to Europe empty handed. But what if he searched in the wrong spot?
Expected life span in countries of EU is 76.91 year for men and 82,76 for women. Shortest, around 60 years is lived in Africa, and longest in Europe, Canada and Japan.
According to expectations, longest live span has the population in developed countries of the world, but there are differences even among them, according to the demographic chart of expected life span in the world. American agency CIA collected data according to which it created a top list of countries in the world where people live longest, the best. CIA had a difficult bureaucratic task to check obituaries, information regarding race, gender, causes of death and other factors with whose help it is estimated the expected average age of people all over the world. That is how they reached the conclusion which peoples have the longest life span.
So that in Monaco they live the longest, in average 89,68 years, while Angola, Zambia and Ghana are countries WITH LOWEST EXPECTED LIFE SPAN. Although it’s clear why in Canada, Japan and Great Britain expected life span is above 80 years, scientist don’t know why is Monaco, small country known as tax heaven for the RICHEST, a state with longest life span.