Contrary to pacifist massages and campaigns of organizations from all over the world, citizens of many countries, still own large amount of guns. An extensive research came up with the discovery that in some countries every other citizen owns some form of armament.
People own guns and buy it all over the world, and some even buy it illegally. Why do people have the need to buy, own, and carry guns? What is the connection of that fact with the degree of general safety? Is it possible to avoid tragic consequences of using you own fire arms?
Before answering these questions, it should be determined how procurement, carrying and using of guns are legally regulated in certain countries? Each country individually regulates this area. Somewhere conditions for receiving a permit are very strict, while in other countries that is just a formality. It is undoubtedly that America is the most obvious example of mass purchasing and owning of armament of different types. What is the main reason for that? First you should take into account the fact that one of main drives of American economy is precisely military industry and that this lobby is extremely strong. If we add to that a fact that this is a market of over 300 million people, we can easily come up with an answer to this question.
Small city in American state in Georgia created a regulation that requires from each household to own weapons, to prevent the increase of criminal. The decision is symbolic because the penalty for those that do not own weapon is not anticipated.
American student initiative “Students for Concealed Carry” (SCC) tries to legalize carrying guns at American universities. Their motto is “if you do not have gat (gun), you are helpless”.
Initiators are convinced that weapons on colleges would frighten off potential attackers, considering that in American universities there is a regular bloodshed. Representatives of SCC are sure that legal carrying of firearms does not make colleges unsafe, but safe.
Lobby already paid off. In Texas since last year carrying firearms in colleges is already allowed. Also in College Colorado since March legalized carrying firearms. In several American states the proposition of SCC is currently under advisement.
Opponents of such way of thinking point out that carrying firearms is extremely dangerous, and they support that with a series of mass murders that happened in past couple of years in the territory on SAD and constant growth of crime.
As the second region with largest number of guns in the possession by citizen, is Balkan. Civil war which at the end of nineties of the last century raged in that region, left behind a large amount of firearms in the possession of citizens.
Anyway, nothing will change any time soon so we can say with certainty that we are slowly returning to traditions of “Wild West”.
Look at one interesting statistic about 10 countries with largest number of guns per a resident.