Life in the animal kingdom is constant struggle for food and territory. Look at how these great battles are being fought, while creatures use every possible tool at their disposal during the fight for dominance. In nature world there is one rule: eat or be eaten. In this attachment you can get to know animals that surely belong to the category of born predators.
Regardless of the fact are they hunting by them self or in a pack, are they using a brain or brute power, these beasts are made to kill and those creatures that get in their way really are out of luck. Behaving like a well-oiled killing machine, some animals realized the advantage of group work. Form lions to piranhas, they rely on strategy, communication, and often, well played ambush in order to get their next meal.
Groups have learned to prey of seals learning to swim off Argentina. Returning annually to the same spot, they remain silent before launching up the beach to attack.
Wolves work together to break up herds of migrating caribou. They single out calves and will chase their target for over 10km.
Hawks work in group of up to six. Some flush prey out, while others move in for the kill.
Hunting is done in mainly male groups, although meat makes up only 3 percent of their diet. In some communities the meat is used to trade with females for sex.
Strands of silk form trip wires at the mouth of a hole. When these vibrate, the waiting spider attacks.
Crocodiles hide in rivers, invisible to wildebeest and can sense vibrations in the water. The crocs’ tails propel them two meters out of the water and their jaws snap shut in 50 milliseconds.
Secretary bird is capable of killing black mambas. They flush out prey by stamping rapidly on the ground, before stomping them to death.
“Cowboy spiders” use silk with a sticky globule at one end to lasso passing moths. Produce female moth pheromones to lure in their prey.
In Kenya, 3 brothers work together to attack ostriches, a bird never seen hunted by cheetahs before. This behavior is so unique that it will likely die out with the trio.
Dolphins create a mud ring with their tails to trap mullets in Florida bay. To escape, the fish have to jump out of the water and into the mouths of waiting dolphins.