A lot of animals are threatened by extinction because they cannot survive in a world that is constantly changed by the hand of a man. Many species are already extinct, and if people don’t do anything to save them, many other will follow down the same path.
Biologists estimate that today in the world there are several million ANIMAL SPECIES, FROM THOSE STRANGEST, to those that we meet every day in the zoo or see on the television.
Geologists and biologists know that from time to time there are mass extinctions, where a large number of animals die. For example, it is believed that DINOSAURS and many other reptiles were destroyed after the crash of a meteorite in Mexico, 65 million years ago.
Today these animals are not threatened by the danger from a meteorite or disaster. The biggest problem is a man, who with his exaggerated hunting and not caring for their survival endangers the existence of certain species. No matter how much it sounds unbelievable, but thanks to certain organizations and protectors of nature, certain species are not only saved from extinction but there are more of them than before. Which 10 animal species are saved from extinction, you will find out if you look at this attachment.
The biggest cats on Earth, weighing 300kg: the same as two sumo wrestlers. Their numbers fell to 40 in the 1940s but are now around 450.
Gray whale was nearly hunted to extinction in the 19th century. Since 1947 numbers have recovered to 23.000. Humans and killer whales are their only predators.
Bermuda petrel, thought to be extinct for 300 years until 18 nesting pairs found in 1951. There are approximately 250 of these birds alive today.
For mountain gorilla was predicted to be extinct by the year 2000 due to habitat destruction. Conservation and population management have seen numbers to 750 today.
Between 1800 and 1900 numbers fell from 40million to under 1000 due to hunting. Bred commercially, they now number 500.000, with only 20.000 living in the wild.
Considered to be the only wild horse in the world, in 1945, there were only 12 breeding takhi. Breeding programs have raised numbers to over 600 across 16 countries.
Golden lion Tamarin is Brazilian monkey that commonly gives birth to twins. 30 years ago there were only 200 left due the deforestation but around 1000 live in the wild today.
The early 20th century saw only 75 southern whites in existence, due to poaching. A protected species, the population has since risen to over 16.000.
“TU LONG” means “muddy dragon” in Chinese and it is new one of only two alligator species in the world. Fewer than200 exist in the wild, with a few thousand in captivity.
There were only 417 nesting pairs in the USA in 1960. Banning hunting and the DDT pesticide helped to recover the population to around 100.000.