Apple Computer, Inc is American Computer Company with headquarters in city Cupertino, federal state of California. Apple is one of companies that helped to initiate revolution in personal computers (PC) in late 1970s.
It is thought that their Apple II practically initiated industry of business computers after which is made Macintosh, first successful computer with graphic operative system whose parts will then be copied in the creation of Windows. At the end of 1990’s Apple changed its focus from computers on other products out of which the most famous are iPod, iTunes Music Store, and iPhone. Because of all that Apple got the reputation of the biggest world technological corporation in 2011, in the age of the death of its founder and long year general manager, Steve Jobs.
10FACT No 10
In 2011, Apple sold 70 million iPhones, 30 million iPads and 59 million other products, that´s five products every second.
09FACT No 9
Including contractors, Apple employs 760.000 people worldwide. Only 60.000 are employed in the USA.
08FACT No 8
The first Apple logo featured Isaac Newton sitting under a tree with an apple falling on his head.
07FACT No 7
The Foxconn complex in China employs 230.000 workers to assemble iPhones. 25 percent of its staff live at the factory in dormitories and starting pay is 1.80 dollar per hour.
06FACT No 6
Apple made the first mass-market digital camera in 1994. It could take eight pictures, had less than one megapixel resolution and cost 749 dollars.
05FACT No 5
The first Apple computer, the Apple I, was released in 1976 and cost 666.66 dollars. Only 200 were made – they had a processor 1.000 times slower than an iPad.
04FACT No 4
With annual revenues of 108 billion dollars, Apple would be the 60th biggest country in the world according to GDP bigger than Luxemburg, Costa Rica and Monaco combined.
03FACT No 3
There have been 18 suicides in Apple´s factories in China. Suicide nets are now in place to stop employees from taking their lives.
02FACT No 2
A third Apple founder, Ronald Wayne, sold his share in the company for 800 dollars. Today it would be worth 60 billion dollars.
01FACT No 1
Apple is worth almost 650 billion dollars, that´s more than Microsoft, Google and Intel put together.